Hi, we’re Jake, a full-service communications firm with a passion for branding. Embracing today’s web technology, we develop big ideas that connect brands to customers, and we do it with a results-oriented, integrated point of view.
We’re Digital First, Especially Now
谷歌称土耳其政府劫持谷歌DNS服务器 伍监听访问推特等网站 ...:2021-4-1 · 此举引起了民众的抗议,20日开始,有民众上街反对。民众的反对没有对埃尔多安造成影响,一周之后,土耳其的Youtube也被屏蔽。 土耳其政府屏蔽网络访问是通过修改DNS来实现的——要求本国的互联网服务供应商修改DNS中的域名条目。
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We're judged by the company we keep, which is why we're proud of our diverse list of clients. From start-ups to large corporations, our experience speaks for itself.
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